Legal Terms

Tania Palma Rodríguez henceforth «the company» TrenPicStudio, with address at C/ Atlántico Atlántico N19 P.3 Atc. A – 28523 – Rivas Vaciamadrid (Madrid), and with number of N.I.F: 51997952N, informs that:


The use of the domain name is duly registered by the company, with all the guarantees, as provided in Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and the Electronic Commerce However, it is clear that these Legal Terms are fully adapted to the regulations in force regarding Data Protection, Electronic Commerce, Contracting Conditions, Intellectual Property and other subsidiary provisions.


Access to this website or its use in any way implies the acceptance of each and every one of these Legal Terms, reserving the company the right to modify them at any time. Consequently, it will be the responsibility of every visitor and / or user, the attentive reading of the Legal Terms of use in force on each of the occasions in which you access this website, so, if he does not agree with any of the same here willing, shall abstain with respect to the use of this web page.


The information on this website has no guarantee of any kind, explicitly or implicitly, and may be changed or updated without prior notice. TrendPicStudio assumes any responsibility derived from the contents that third parties have included in the hyperlinks referred to in this page. The establishment of the hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of relations between TrendPicStudio and the owner of the Webpage in which it is established, nor the acceptance or approval by TrendPicStudio of the contents or services offered there.


All information that TrendPicStudio receives through this website will not be considered confidential unless it is included in the confidentiality policy section. Any other information that is sent to TrendPicStudio may be used, reproduced, transformed, transmitted or disseminated by TrendPicStudio as it deems appropriate. It is expressly forbidden any alteration, change, modification or adaptation of this Webpage or any information it contains.


TrendPicStudio is not responsible for any loss or damage to the software or hardware of the user arising from access to its website or the use of information or applications contained therein. Likewise, it does not take responsibility or guarantee the availability and continuity of access to this website or that it is free of errors. The user will be liable for damages and losses of any nature that TrendPicStudio may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject by these conditions. The user is aware and voluntarily accepts that the use of any content on this website will be carried out under his sole and exclusive responsibility.


These Legal Terms are governed by Spanish Law to the extent permitted by law, the parties expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond, agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals where the company’s corporate name falls.